Sunday, June 24, 2012

My thoughts about love...

My thoughts about love... <3

Since I am a hopeless romantic and I get randomly inspired to write things that go on inside my head...well here is a little piece of that:

To spend an eternity with someone…. Well now a day most people think that that is a pretty crazy idea. To be with one person the rest of their life and spend every day with them until they die. Most people think that sounds awful. They thrive off of the one night stands, the single life, the partying, living free and the list goes on.  People now a days would rather focus on themselves than someone else. They refuse to get married because having to worry about someone else just seems too difficult and ridiculous.  A lot of people even consider marriage to be considered prison!   Soo what do I think about that? Well I think those people are clearly blind as well as selfish. Of course, I am a hopeless romantic but even for how young I am, I like to think I have a small grasp on things, so I will share my thoughts…

Spending your life with someone should never be considered to be like a prison. It shouldn’t be something someone dreads or even despises. Spending your life with someone should be one of the most exciting things one could ever imagine. There is joy in sharing your life, hopes, dreams, good days, and even bad days with that one special person that loves you, and only you. Being able to share this life that we are granted for only a short time is really something special. God has granted us a short amount of time on this place we call earth, He never intended for us to waste it or be selfish about it. He himself knows what it is like to be in a forever  long relationship and what if feels like to love someone more than life itself, because that is exactly how He feels about you and me. God knows what it is like to be in love and He has given each and every one of us that opportunity to be able to know that feeling. Sounds pretty remarkable if you ask me!

I think marriage is one of the most beautiful things in this life. Marriage is a union between two different people that truly love each other and come together to put each other before themselves. It is something where two people put aside their differences and decide to do everything they can to make each other happy and to help each other grow as human beings and closer to God. Of course, marriage has its ups and downs, but what doesn’t. A commitment to spend the rest of your life with someone because you love them that much is truly incredible. When you think about it marriage is a beautiful selfless act, when it is done for the right reasons. Giving your trust, hope, dreams, and love to someone and willingly trusting them to hold your heart is more beautiful than words can express. Love is such a beautiful thing, and our Heavenly Father showed us the exact way to show that love. Love is supposed be gentle, kind, patient, not envious, not boastful, not selfish, and forgiving. That is what true marriage is about, being there for someone and giving them your everything.

So many marriages today are failing and giving up. Sometimes because they forgot the real reason they got married, or didn’t get married for the right reasons in the first place, and many other reasons. If people were truly in love, the way God has intended for them to be, that marriage is going to be a strong bond that God will honor. And things do happen that we don’t understand and people get divorced every day, but that does not mean that these people do not still deserve this kind of love still.

The love God is talking about can be applied to so many areas in our life. Loving someone is what we “claim” we do every day. We say it before we hang up the phone, we say it when we leave, we say it without even thinking about it, but do we mean it? Saying you “love” someone, and meaning it as well as showing it are two different things. Like I said before love is kind, patient, and forgiving.  Do we truly love people like God has intended us to love them?  When we say “I love you” are we saying it just because or are we are saying that we love them selflessly no matter what they do.

I feel like I have learned a lot about love over the past few years, because these kinds of thoughts come along every now and then provoking some thought. Sometimes I stop and think when even I say I love you, because I have to think….do I really show what I am saying and do I mean it with my whole heart?

Loving someone does not come with any kind of stipulations. N.O.N.E.  at all. If you are going to love someone, you are loving them for who they are. Even if someone is not exactly who you want them to be…you still love them because God loves them and He wants us to share that kind of love with everyone.

When I was little, I used to put stipulations on love. Ya know the kind of love where if you take my toy or stuffed animal then I probably won’t love you anymore sort of thing. I also thought that if people did wrong, that maybe I shouldn’t love them as much since they did something bad, but it didn’t take long for me to realize this was not right. Ya know the saying “Hate the sin, not the sinner”….well that’s how we need to live our life, but I think we should change that saying up a little bit. How about… “Hate the sin, Love the sinner”? That sounds about right to me! God does not intend for us to hate anyone. He gave His only Son so YOU could live, and us down here on earth are getting stuck up on loving people unconditionally…. Sounds a little crazy right? That is because it is. We are to love every one, and not just the say “I love you” kind of love, but the kind of love our Father demonstrates for us.

Wow ….I got off topic there. Oh well It was on my mind so I thought I would share.

Being married has been on my mind lately? Why you ask since I am so young? Well because I want to make sure that when I do eventually tie the knot… I want it to be the most beautiful romantic thing I have ever experienced. And I know it’s not about the wedding, it’s about the person you are marrying…and that is exactly what I am talking about. I want everyone at my wedding to look at me and my future husband and be able to know that we truly love each other with all of our hearts and are getting married for the right reasons.

I know married life is not always easy either. It’s actually really tough. What do you expect? You’re surrendering all of your “I’s” and “ME’s” and exchanging them for “us” and “we”. You just have to keep in mind that at the end of the day you are holding each other’s heart and that is one of the most beautiful gifts someone could give you. And your duty is to take that and hold onto it as tight as you can and protect it forever.

Spending an eternity with someone is not a thing of the past to me…’s something I will experience one day. And until that day comes…..

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Vacation begins...

Well here we are...after a wonderful day and half of being in the car we are finally here!! Where you ask?? The Beautiful Sunshine State..yes FLORIDA <3 So our journey started on Friday morning when we left around 11am. We drove for about eight hours and stopped at Atlanta, GA for a nights rest. Our hotel was pretty cool and we walked around the town for a bit when we got there. We went to the CNN hotel/newroom area thing and ate dinner and looked around and then just hung out at our hotel for the night. Then we got up in the morning and had a lovely breakfast then got on the road again. Then after another lovely [completely sarcastic] 8 hours of being in the car, we finally arrived in Orlando...our first stop.  

After unpacking everything into our beautiful condo we headed out to eat dinner at Fridays and then made out typical grocery trip for the week. Buttt there is some bad news.... There is a tropical storm supposedly coming our way..Debby. Plus in the forecast we are scheduled for rain everyday. Normally that doesn't mean much though since it always rains in Florida a little like every day for a short time but if this storm comes through, then that won't be the case.

Well I am just sitting in my lovely bed right now missing my handsome man. Lookinng forward to being at the ocean in a week <3 Well I am about to pass out from exhaustion...Riding in the car for 16 hours is surprisnly exhausting so I guess I will go to bed for tonight and write more tomorrow...