Monday, July 2, 2012

I want to get in shape...

I want to get in shape... 

So like every girl does...I was just sitting around on my computer scrolling through Pinterest and I come across this healthy lifestyle sort of blog. I am always intrigued by the before and after pictures where people look decently normal before and then they look amazing, toned, happy, and just plain healthy in the after picture. So I decided to click on this to find out what it was all about and try to figure out exactly how this girl got those kind of results. 

I'll start off by giving you the blog I found so you know what I am talking about:

For starters, the moment you click on her blog you will be like HOLY COW when you see her picture and how amazing she looks now! I also love the fact of how much happier she looks as well.

So I have always wanted to get on a daily workout plan, and don't get me wrong I have tried but it always only lasts for a few weeks (wait who am I kidding, like two weeks at max HA) and then I give up, forget, get busy, or find some excuse not to do it. I hate this.

The reason I want to get fit and lose some weight and get toned isn't so I can weigh less or so I can say I weigh lighter, but to live a healthy, happier, more enjoyable lifestyle. I think when girls are working out, eating right, and just being overall healthy in everything that they do, they they look better as well as feel better.

This is going to be hard, but I WANT to....NEED to do it. Eating fast food, desserts, and junk all the time always makes me feel so yucky afterwards anyways. It may be satisfying in the moment, but I regret it afterwards.

I know I am going to have setbacks though. First off, I hate most healthy foods. I hate fish, most veggies, and tea. Soooo that is going to make this hard, but I am willing to try things over and over again! I also am on the go alll the time so finding time to cook healthy meals just seems so hard to me but I am going to try to do my best. I gotta figure out how to plan ahead, because you know what they say..."If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"!

So first I think I need to stop eating all the crap and at least trying to stick with a basic workout. I don't know much about working out, weights, and supplements though so I will really  have to do some digging to find out what all that stuff is about and how to go about it.

I was trying out a gym with my boyfriend for a few weeks, but never found the time to go since it was 20  minutes away. I couldn't get myself to pay the monthly fee as well as pay for the gas to drive there and back. So I may need to reconsider this! I just wish I had someone nearby who could join me! Having someone wanting what you want and encouraging you makes things so much easier!! 

I also have another problem....I am madly addicted to coffee! Not the black coffee that won't hurt you, but the "fru fru" coffee from Starbucks :// Getting over this habbit is going to be HARD for me...and I mean HARDDD~

So we shall see how this goes. I am on vacation right now though so I can't really cook with the little that we have right now in our hotel room but I get back this weekend so hopefully I can start then!! Until then I guess better selections, lots of water, and exercise in between laying out will have to do :) 

If anyone wants to be my personal trainer....let me know ;) that is, if you are free! ha

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