Friday, July 5, 2013

The things you learn on Pinterest

So tonight I am troubled with the tragedy of insomnia. It is our last day in Daytona Beach and tomorrow we head over to South Carolina to spend one more week in Hilton Head. Were getting up early and making the lovely 5 1/2 hour drive. So what does one do this late at night when you just can't sleep.... Pinterest, YouTube, blog, etc :)

First off, let's start with YouTube. I am one of those people that can spend hours on
it, just looking up random people that do cover songs and listening to them. Well that is what is playing in the background while I continue to increase my Pinterest addiction..... One of my favorite is this girl... I don't know why, but I could listen to her sing for hours! She's a hoot to watch too (hoot.... yeah that's what I said).

Anyways...Pinterest... so the things I have gathered on my late night of pinteresting :)

1. When you log in, there will always be a pin about a wedding, or a wedding dress, a bridesmaid dress, bridal party ideas, wedding gift ideas, or something cute you could include in a wedding. You get the point!

2. Pinterest makes you feel awful about your wardrobe because they have so many cute outfits on there that you would just die to have. (Doesn't every girl want their "pinned" closet?? I know I do!)

3. The amount of things I pin for my future to do lists....I probably will never look at again. 

4. There are a ton of awesome tattoo ideas....I've found mine!! {"I live to let you shine"} on my foot!

5. I found out why (or why supposedly) you wear your wedding ring on that certain little finger!  I don't even care if that is a reason or not...I love the thought behind it!!!

6. The amount of things I have planned on my wedding board that I would love to do would only happen if I was a millionaire.... hey maybe one day I will be and if not... there are plenty of DIY things for my future bridesmaids and I to do ;)

7. You also find the cutest proposals on there that make our future husbands have much to live up to!! {that's why my boyfriend has a Pinterest :), even though he never gets on it!}

8. The amount of pins to pin for your children (future children in my case) is amazing! They have so many amazing ideas and such good ideas for games, arts and crafts, and teaching them Bible verses even! ....I've always said, if Pinterest isn't around when I have kids, what am I going to do! I have spent so much time pinning things for them :) and finding super cute trendy outfits for them! haha

9. People still do random acts of kindness! Which I still need to do! I love the idea of doing tons of random acts like that! What a humbling experience!! 

10. You can decorate your house with cardboard and 2 liter bottles! Ha! I saw this one tonight when I was browsing! They made a foot stool from that!! But really, the pins to decorate your house are amazing! So many good ideas! I must consult my pinterest board when I decide to buy {preferably build} by future house!! 

11. You can be an awesome organizer! Seriously though! If I took the time to really look at all the pins I have pinned about ways to stay organized, I would be one heck of a clean organized person...buttttt the likeliness of that happenings is pretty slim!

12. It's ok to try a DYI things on Pinterest and completely fail! Lot's of people do :) Just scroll to the top and in the search bar type in "nailed it" it will make you feel better trust me! And make you laugh!

13. You can always find an amazing dessert recipe! That is like my favorite thing to do on Pinterest! Look up new fun desserts and new ways to decorate cupcakes!! On the will also make you very hungry!

Some of my favorites: I actually made that this week for fourth of July! this is amazing! My friend and I made this a while back and we ate in by ourselves in only two sittings! If you love peanut butter pie! This is close! 

14. You will always be amazed when getting on! No matter what, every single time I get on I find something that makes me say "wow" or "good idea" or "that's so easy, why didn't I think of that" ...always!

Well that's all for now! I am sure there are 101 more things I could think of but I should probably get some sleep!


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