Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The effects of an exhausted college student

Being tired all the time is nothing new to me. 

Since school has started, sleep has been the least of my priorities. This is the picture that is hung up in one of our hallways at school that pretty much defines how college is. I will always choose a social life over sleep. So the effects were made known yesterday. 


Yesterday I had clinicals. So I started my day off at 4:30am getting up, showering, and getting ready for the day. I also had to finish some paperwork so I had to get up a little earlier. I have clinicals from 7am-2pm. I typically get there early though! If you are late or don't show up more than once you can fail, so I always leave time to be late. Plus it's a 45 minute drive. 

At clinicals though, I had the opportunity to witness to a guy. He was telling me how recently just got his life right with God, and was doing some searching. He had told me about all the crazy things that had happened in his life and how he kept refusing to accept God. But finally one day he was seriously scared of dying and felt that this was the time He needed to have God in his life and just turn everything over to Him. It was ironic because I had done my devotion earlier that morning on  
Romans 8:17-18 
2 Corinthians 4:17-18 
1 Peter 1:6-7  
All of these verses talk about how no matter what kind of suffering we go through on earth, NOTHING compares to what is coming and what God will give us in Heaven. So I went on to share these verses with him. He was so thankful that we had met and he knew it was part of  God's purpose because he needed to hear these things. It was seriously such an encouragement!!  

Anyways... after clinicals I am ALWAYS dead tired! So I got home around 3pm and decided to watch a show (Hawaii five-0). I watched about half of it and my mom needed to do some work in the room I was in so I decided to pause my show and go clean the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen I finished my show and decided a nap sounded lovely. So I fell asleep around 5pm. My dad came home a little after 6 and tried waking me up (I do not do well with people waking me up from a nap1) so that did not go over well, and I went upstairs and went back to bed. I woke up around 8pm to a phone call from my boyfriend and talked to him for a bit and went right back to bed. I woke up two other times in the middle of the night to my mom asking me to take my dog out, but besides that I finally woke up again at 8:15 this morning. Holy cow right?!  

I slept for 15 hours!!!  So in other words I was definitely sleep deprived! So today is a good and rested day.  Plus I started my day off right 

Now off to study for my lovely nursing quiz tomorrow! Say a prayer for me!! <3 

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