Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sooo day 4 it is! 

Well today was a pretty good day..let's start out with that. Got up and I was determined to make sure everyone of my meals was in the nutrition guide (which if you knew me, this is a very difficult thing to do!). So I got up and made 2 eggs and 2 egg white, mushrooms, and onion breakfast wrap along with some wheat toast and all fruit preserves! Sounds fancy doesn't it? :) I thought so to! 

Then I had to mow.... this seemed like an impossible task since walking was still a struggle! Gotta do what you gotta do though! So I put on my mowing shoes and off I went! It takes me forever too because no matter how many times I do it, I manage to miss a lot of spots. After that was done I decided to be a good daughter and edge that grass. Well that took me forever...why??.... my arms were so sore from pushing the push mower that holding the edger up was an extremely difficult thing to do! For a little while after I finished my arms were still shaking (boy I am out of shape! ha)

Anyways...if you have heard of Insanity you probably have heard of Shakeology. This is their "miracle" shake. No they really don't call it that, but it's the shake that has like everything from all over the world in it and is supposed to help with energy. So I decided to take a risk and spend a little money to try this (I had heard nothing but good reviews).

Welll I did a milk, water, ice, banana, and peanut butter one and I don't know if I did something or what but it say the least...disgusting. ha My Shakeology was chocolate flavored too! So I guess I shall try different mix ins tomorrow!

To make things go faster... I followed the meal plan the whole day! I even packed food for work tonight. I took a much needed nap after mowing and worked until 9:30. I still don't have the dvds since my boyfriend and I are sharing them at the moment so I ventured onto the wonderful world wide web.

Youtube is a wonderful gift! I found a link of a 51 year old man doing this and I just watched him and did it. (kinda creepy I know!) Here's the link if you want to get an idea of how I spent my night haha So today was "Cardio Recovery" sounds nice right? Well it was for the most part!

Today consisted of mainly stretching: lots of squats, lunges, and rep stuff like that. Although it wasn't so bad like I felt like I was going to get sick (like how all the other ones are) it still was hard! We would do 16 squats slowly then have to pump up and down really fast 16 times!! Talk about the BURNNN. ha

My feet kill after this. I am not sure if it is because of my new "training" shoes or because I did this barefoot (which I normally do not) or maybe your feet are supposed to be sore? Idk! Other than than my thighs burn too!

I am looking forward to tomorrow though! Although it is insanely painful and awful during it! It feels good knowing I'm getting in shape and taking one day at a time will get you to your goal! 

Right now I am doing a devotional book from an amazing couple: Eric and Lesley Ludy. If you haven't heard of them I strongly suggest you check them out and look into investing in some of their books or devotions! The devotion I am doing is probably a little young for me but that doesn't mean I can't learn from it! It is called:
                   Series One: Study Guide True Femininity The Radiant Beauty of a Set-Apart-Life
This is an 8 week study guide that you can use for yourself or to teach to a group of girls. It comes with a study book and two dvds with four 30 minutes lessons on it. They really are awesome! I like them being on video too because I will play it while I get ready in my bedroom and then spend time in my Bible and devotional after I'm done.

The first lesson was talking about surrendering all to Jesus! The main points were:
1) True purity starts inside your heart 
2) GOD'S plan for your life is WAY more beautiful than yours, but you must have 
complete surrender! 
3) Build your life around Him, don't just try to fit Him into your life! 
4) Seek Him with an undivided heart 
5) Proverbs 31: Do your husband good ALL the days of your life. Praying 
for Him know and honoring Him now in all that you do is key 
6) The perfect hero/ prince that we dream of will ALWAYS be Jesus Christ, 
AND he will never let you down!   
This truly is an amazing devotional and I highly recommend it! << the link. 

Well that is all for now! Gotta do my devotion for tonight and get some sleep! <3 


  1. That's do awesome your sticking with it Kristen! Sounds like a great devotional.
