Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Beauty Of Being Single

This is for all you girls..... I absolutely love writing and one of my dreams is to one day be a speaker or at least consul young girls from like 12-19. I think that would absolutely amazing. Anyways, here is an article I wrote a little while ago when this really was on my heart.

Being single, although many woman consider it a curse it is really a blessing of God. Being single is not all about being lonely and depressed.  It should be about fulfillment and love. First off let me say that God’s timing is perfect and if you haven’t found the man of your dreams yet, there is a reason. Have you ever thought that it’s because God doesn’t think you are ready yet or that your heart isn’t ready? In the years that we are single God intends for us to grow closer to him. The love, affection, and attention we would be giving to our boyfriend God wants us to give to Him. And if we learn to get our priorities straight when we are single, when we are in a relationship, we will already know what’s important and what should come first in our life. 

So many girls now a day get so wrapped up, as well as emotionally and physically attached, to their boyfriends. It’s almost as if they wouldn’t know what to do if they didn’t have that significant other. This is wrong. Jesus should always be our first priority! And when us girls let a guy take up all of our time, love, and attention, what’s left for Jesus? That is a question they need to ask themselves. Often times when a girl is in a relationship they fall head over heels in love with the guy they are with. Which isn’t necessarily wrong, but can be. They do everything they can to spend time with him and please only him. But they need to be careful because when relationships end, us young girls should not be asking ourselves what am I going to do with my life now? How do I get through the day? These questions arise when girls let their boyfriends become far more important than their Creator.

In order for this not to happen we need to start preparing now. Take this time as a single daughter of the King to grow as a Christian and get to know Jesus more and have a stronger and deeper relationship with him. If this is your goal while you are single your life will be way more fulfilling than having a boyfriend. Jesus loves you more than any young man could. He loves you so much he died a horrible death so that you could live and eventually find that man of your dreams.

Another thing to take caution of as a single woman is to not go pursuing after guys. This is one of the biggest mistakes made in today’s society, girls chasing after guys. First of all this is not how God intended it to be, When we try to chase after a guy we are taking matters into our own hands and you can see how that is wrong because things should be in God’s hands. Also your relationship will be so much more fulfilling and a guy will cherish you much more if he has to pursue you. Don’t be the desperate girl that goes after the first guy she thinks is hot. Be the girl that is throwing herself at Christ.

In Psalms 62:8 it says Trust in him at all times, you people;  pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. This is what we need to do as girls. We need to pour our hearts out to God. He IS listening and He cares about you. And being single should never be lonely because Jesus Christ is the ultimate comforter and with Him, He can fulfill all of your desires. Also by growing in Christ in the years that you are single,  you will be made into an amazing woman of God. God is preparing you right now to be the woman He wants you to be. He is preparing your heart for your husband as well as your future children. Not only is God preparing you right this moment He is preparing your husband for you.

Another thing to think about… is that as girls we need to be careful how we treat the guys that we come into contact with every day at school. I read a book not too long ago and it put this fact into action. You need to treat the guys in your class or the guys you come in contact with exactly how you would want the girls in your future husband’s class to treat him. You don’t want all the girls all over and constantly flirting with your future husband, do you?

As woman of God we need to guard our hearts! God has given us something special and as woman we need to cherish ourselves as princesses because that’s exactly how God sees us. If you truly learn how to love God when you are single, He will teach you exactly how to love your husband one day just like he loves us, unselfishly. Take this time as a learning and growing experience. Throw yourself in God’s word and spend time in prayer with Him daily! You will be absolutely amazed by what He can show you and teach you through His word if you truly take the time and spend it with Him.           Instead of spending that extra hour on Facebook, watching television, or texting, spend it reading Gods word and praying. Ask Him to show you the woman He desires for you to be. Ask Him to mold you into his perfect daughter. He will answer you and no matter what you might want in a guy, ask God what he wants for your future husband. You can also spend time praying for your future husband! Pray that he is making right choices, and that he is guarding his heart. Jesus has a great and marvelous plan for you and has just the right guy that will love you for everything that He has made you to be, but you must be patient. Be diligent though while waiting. Do not waste this precious time of being single on wishing you had a boyfriend. Spend this time getting to know your heavenly father. Fall in love with Him because He is already deeply in love with you. And if you truly want to find the man of your dreams that God has for you, use this time wisely to become a woman of God. And not only will you will you be a gorgeous girl on the inside but it will show through on the outside as well.

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